Head and Chief Librarian, Senior Library Officer I, Mbeya College of Health and Allied Sciences

Hold Masters of Arts in Information Studies from University of Dar es salaam (2019), Masters of Arts in Development Studies from University of Dar es salaam(2012), Bachelor of Art in Geography and Environmental studies.(2007).



Kainkwa, E (2010), Capacity and sustainability of NGOs in the delivery of environmental
management to the community: a case of environmental NGOs in Dar es Salaam: (Unpublished
Masters dissertation), University of Dar es Salaam.

Kainkwa,E (2018), An investigation on the effectiveness of the Internet as an agent of socio-
economic empowerment among women: a case of Sengerema district in Mwanza region:
(Unpublished Masters dissertation), University of Dar es Salaam.

Mubofu, C., & Kainkwa, E. (2023). University Lecturers’ Feelings, Awareness and Attitudes
Towards Open Education Resources: Experience from Two Higher Learning Institutions in
Tanzania. Open Praxis, 15(4), pp. 328–341. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55982/ openpraxis.15.4.555


Had the honor of assisting Prof. Edda Tandi Lwoga from the
Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences
(MUHAS) Library at the time and Prof. Wallace Chigona
from the University of Cape Town in their research project
titled "Contribution of information and communication
technologies for gender empowerment and sustainable
development in Tanzania," which was divided into two
phases: qualitative and quantitative. COSTECH provided
funding for the study. From September 2014 through
November 2015.


Kainkwa, E (2010), Capacity and sustainability of NGOs in the delivery of environmental
management to the community: a case of environmental NGOs in Dar es Salaam: (Unpublished
Masters dissertation), University of Dar es Salaam


Kainkwa,E (2018), An investigation on the effectiveness of the Internet as an agent of socio-
economic empowerment among women: a case of Sengerema district in Mwanza region:
(Unpublished Masters dissertation), University of Dar es Salaam.


Mubofu, C., & Kainkwa, E. (2023). University Lecturers’ Feelings, Awareness and Attitudes
Towards Open Education Resources: Experience from Two Higher Learning Institutions in
Tanzania. Open Praxis, 15(4), pp. 328–341. DOI: https://doi.org/10.55982/ openpraxis.15.4.555